It's been a long time coming this post hasn't it! I have just completed a short course with Charlotte Squire with a focus on Positive writing and submitting to positive news media, such as her fabulous "Happyzine" website. It's been very inspiring and motivating around writing, so it just feels good to do this essence reading right now, and it's another new moon, in Virgo this time. Happy new moon all!
Pohutukawa - "Tree of Life"
This essence is about family dynamics, and patterns within them, and about the roles we each play in our family. Of course any group matrix can form the same dynamics as a family, and usually there will be people around us that reflect some 'charged' relationship for us if there are things to be resolved from our family 'stuff'. It's not only about the difficult areas though, as of course you can draw upon great strength and wisdom from your ancestors. We are where we are because of the paths they've walked before us, so it's good to be aware of holding appreciation and respect for the family too. At an even deeper level this essence is about the interconnectedness of all life, something that Virgo is aware of and often interested in learning more about. In a way a family is like 'an ecosystem'; ideally all the parts/people are in balance with each other, everyone gets their needs met and contributes something to it. This is a good time to look at your role in your family or any group you are involved in and check in with yourself: "Does this energy dynamic encourage me to be true to my own nature?" "Is my unique contribution valued?" "Am I clear about what that is and do I value my difference?" and "Do I value the unique perspectives of others and allow them to be who they are?" Then take that another step, and acknowledge that the challenges you undertake to overcome today pave a path for the generations that will follow you!
Cellular Healing Essence 6:
These seem to come up in every reading... so, again, in a time of healing at a cellular level it's not unusual to feel really tired, kind of rocked or unstable and not really able to express what's going on with you. It's a time of such change and human consciousness evolution that I guess it's no surprise that they are always popping up! This one is all about 'Prayer and Meditation' which is basically quieting the mind, the busy self, the doubts, worries, future thinking/planning, and taking a time out. A time out doesn't have to take a long time! Meditation can be a moment, one conscious breath with a focus on feeling good. A walk or a dance can be a prayer. Whichever way you do it, it has to be something that rings your bells! It's the age of 'tuning straight in', so do it wherever you are, make it a habit every time you catch yourself stressed or feeling imbalanced. Take a deep breath, find the place inside that is perfectly at peace with everything that's happening and let yourself enjoy it. It's about connecting with the wellspring inside that is all your potential, health and joy. Of course if you have time, give yourself permission to make a day of it!
Flourite - "Commitment"
This essence is about balancing responsibility and understanding why you give your energy to something. Sometimes it's about being willing to commit more, to a relationship, our dreams/passion, a new level of work or however it speaks to you. At other times it's about stepping back, so it's really tied in with discernment and listening to your inner voice. Before making any decisions about letting go or committing to, I would really recommend doing the meditation bit! That way you can connect with the wisdom inside and make decisions based on that, rather than the fears and doubts of the conscious mind. Of course, we can choose to make our highest commitment to our own path, which usually makes everything else fall into perspective and place.
Moon in Aries
The full moon essences are about balancing emotionally through the wisdom of that sign. Aries wisdom is "I am". There is a strong sense of 'self' and willingness to go after what they want without compromise. It is fiery, spontaneous, energetic and takes the initiative. It's very much about a rebirth or new beginning rather like the energy of the new moon. If you have been wanting to start something new or make a change this is the energy to do it with, no doubts or questions of 'self-worthiness'. Aries just knows that "whatever I really want will come to me" and goes for it. In the context of the reading, it balances really well with the family stuff and knowing your unique contribution, and respecting the rights of others too.
This is a colour balancing essence that works with the third eye chakra. That's the inner visionary, the seer, and the higher thought processes. This is also to do with meditation, and visualising clearly what you wish to see in your world. Remember to focus on what you want, not on what you don't want! The universe always says 'yes' to what we give our energy and observation to. It's not a suggestion to override your feelings, rather your feelings give you excellent guidance every moment. If you're feeling good you're focused on the things that give you joy, that you love, that you want. If not, your focus is on another story!
So with appreciation to the ancestors, much love to all. I hope you are all finding your balance in this earth shakin' time!